Sunday, March 25, 2012

Graphic Organizer

The incentive that I used was a social studies for a fifth grade classroom.

5 – U3.2.1  Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each side during the American Revolution with
respect to military leadership, geography, types of resources, and incentives.

I decided that I would have my students write a brief paper on this topic. I think that having my students use this type of graphic organizer would help them to organize their thoughts before actually writing out the paper.

I think that this graphic organizer was a very easy way for students to organize their thoughts. It was extremely easy to use, and would be helpful for a student that may be struggling to put their thoughts together and order them correctly to write their essay. The only downfall of this page was that you can only have three main ideas. I think that older students would be able to understand that sometimes you need more than three main ideas though.

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