Sunday, February 19, 2012

Entry Level Teaching Standards

It’s hard for me to say exactly how I meet these standards listed on the Michigan Standards for Entry Level Teachers seeing as though I haven’t had my first actual teaching experience yet. But when I look over the list of standards, I feel as though they are pretty do-able.

Right now, something that I am somewhat nervous about it writing my own lesson plans proficiently. (Section 2 “Instructional Design and Assessment” part a.) I am hoping that by the time I have finished my training at Cornerstone, student teaching, graduation, and eventually finding my own classroom to teach in, I will have had enough experience and practice to feel more comfortable about this.

I feel fairly confident about designing instruction so that students are constantly engaged. (Section 3 “Curricular and Pedagogical Content Knowledge Aligned with State Resources” part d.) I had certain teachers in high school that did a very good job at keeping students engaged in the classroom with different activities and learning exercises. At the same time, I had some teachers who were extremely disengaged and did nothing but lecture in the classroom. I learned so much more from the teachers who involved the students, and enjoyed those classrooms immensely. When I decided that I wanted to be a teacher, I also decided that I refused to become one of those teachers who only lectured. I want to make classroom experiences enjoyable and helpful for my students.

I think that one way to be sure that I meet these standards as a teacher is to be conscious of them. I need to remind myself of the goals that are set for me, and re-read these types of standards often to self-analyze and be sure that I am up to the standard I want to be as a teacher.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Learning Style Reflection

ILS Questioniare Results:

I feel as though these tests showed who I am fairly accurately. The Multiple Intelligence Survey showed that I am music, people, and word smart. I would most definitely agree that these are my top three strengths out of the ones listed. I love music with all of my heart. Although it is not what I chose to do for a career; it is something that I love and plan to do for the rest of my life.

This information can help me to be consious in my teaching that I do not ignore the ways of leanring that are not my strong points, such as naturalistic and logical. There will be children in my classrooms that do learn in these ways and I need to present information in these ways so that they can also learn in the best ways possible for them.

I feel as though it may be helpful to have students take a test like this, especially when they are older so they are more conscious about how they learn and what the best ways for them to understand information is.

 Multiple Intelligences Survey Results: